Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entering the 21st Century

Hi, I'm Maggy and am trying to enter the 21st Century by learning what the blogging business is all about. This was inspired by Sue Ford's quilting blog and so I thought, "I can do that too, what a great idea." My OBSESSION is quilting and somehow I've managed to acquire this obsession during the busiest time of my life when I really should be directing my attention to other things. Yes, Sue, I do study!

I've sewn most of my life, having acquired the "sewing gene." My grandmother was an exquisite seamstress with a fondness for producing baby clothes. My mother is also an awesome seamstress (although her sister does not sew) and then there's me (my sister also does not sew). All I've ever sewn have been garments until the Fall of 2007. My son and daughter-in-law announced they were expecting so this reawakened the "sewing beast," which had been silent for about the last 12 years. My original intention was to produce lovely baby garments just like my grandmother, but decided that I'd also like to make a quilt....and so it began.

New Bernina sewing machine....new Koala sewing cabinets....various and sundry accessories....embroidery module ... fabric ... patterns ... threads ... stabilizers ... and the list goes on. My husband asked me the other day if I was done spending money. Oh, silly boy, there is no such thing as "done" when it comes to quilting.

It's now 6 months later and I'm on my 9th quilt. Number nine is in the beginning stages of cutting out the pieces.

So, like Sue, I plan to chronicle my quilting activites and hope that those who venture here like what they see.